pastel drawing photocopied and printed onto wooden block


13.1 x 13 cm

Acrylic paint on canvas
14.8 x 14.7 cm

Superb Blue Fairy Wrens 2
Superb Blue Fairy Wrens 3

4 years difference. I don’t tend to like looking back at my old artwork because… ah… yikes. I always nitpick it, which in a way is good because it shows I’ve grown and developed my skills. These ones though, I love a lot.

The school I went to in year 4 had a project to bring the Superb Blue Fairy Wrens back to the school. This was done by getting rid of a lot of introduced flora and planting indigenous ones. This was a pretty large project that went on for a good few years. It was in my year level that the first of the wrens were spotted. I remember when the teachers gathered us all together to tell us. It was very much a “hey! We did The Thing!!” kind of moment.

It was years later that I actually learnt that the project had started in my brother’s year level, which made this really quite poetic and special (hence why I tend to come back to painting the wren). I think it’s time to paint another one some stage soon.